3 MILLION Euros to build Bucharest's SPACE-AGE hospital of the future

Polizu Maternity Hospital in Bucharest is being modernized with a 3 million euro donation from the Save the Children Romania organization. The rehabilitation project will upgrade all the medical equipment in the Intensive Care Unit, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Neonatology. The aim is to ensure safety of equipment for dealing with complex medical cases and high-risk pregnancies.

Medic de la Spitalul Polizu, acuzat că ar fi lăsat copii născuți prematur  să moară / Avocat: Un bebeluș a scăpat cu viață după ce a fost pus într-o  pungă legată la
The future is now old man

The operating block of the hospital has been in decay for FORTY YEARS. The electrical and gas systems are now upgraded for the thousands of surgeries performed here every year. 

Abandoned hospitals: World's most eerie locations
average romanian maternity ward

This project is one of many in a 15 million euro campaign to address the ever-present problem of infant mortality in Romania.
