Romanian children GIVING UP on school, dropping out to become PICKPOCKETERS

Romanian middle school students are disillusioned with the state of education. 41% of children drop out right before high school, opting for a job with their family or qualification courses. 

Fundatia World Vision Romania - Organizatie pentru Copii

This problem is generational. 19% of children from rural areas find no help with homework because their families have only completed 8 grades, maximum. In addition, many of these students are saddled with a round trip to school longer than an hour.

Likewise, half of Romanian parents are dissatisfied with their children's academic progress, continuing the vicious cycle of productive working citizens not climbing the ladders of academia. 

World Vision Romania has launched a heroic "I Want to be in 9th Grade" program which seeks to encourage rural students through workshops, webinars, and focus groups, which are commonly known for their inspiring nature.

Almost half of Romanian middle school students drop out of school - The Romania Journal