Romanian Children TROLLED Online, Unable to Sleep


Save The Children Romania at RUF
Logo of "Save the Children" in Romania

50% of Romanian children have been bullied online, a sharp increase from 40% a few years ago. The Save the Children survey highlights the increase in online gossip, vulgarity and exclusion prevalent in online spaces and social media platforms. More intense forms of harassment include the spread of compromising intimate images, identity theft and public humiliation. 

The long-term effects of this include difficulty focusing and steeper anxiety. Hopelessness and self-harm are also correlated with intense negative online experiences.

50% of the identified victims expect the bullying to continue.

60% of all children express concern with negative online experiences.

26% of all children have had trouble getting to sleep at night after an unpleasant online experience.

Romanian Experts have spoken out on the issue, claiming that their children need to "grow a backbone and chill out a little bit."